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Current Update of the Haiti Church and School

GOD brought together American Deaf and hearing churches to partner with the Les Cayes Deaf leadership. The outcome of this partnership and unity of efforts was and is a beautiful NEW Deaf school and church. The Deaf people themselves provide the ongoing maintenance and oversight, in addition to numerous special projects, of the church and school grounds, which in turn provides employment opportunities to the Deaf community. 

How Many Children are Currently at the Deaf School? 

There are over 30 Deaf children currently enrolled at English Chretienne Des Sourdes Du Sud D’ Haiti De Cambry. The students are from all over the country of Haiti. Most often, their parents do not pay for school or support their physical needs while they are in school. Some of our children have special needs in addition to their deafness.


The Deaf children are educated in a residential school environment. They live at the Deaf school nine months out of the year. This total immersion philosophy affords 24 hour safety, education, and language development, in addition to providing around-the-clock Deaf mentors and role models to the students. 


The children often come to us with no language, yet are quickly able to pick up language and concepts from their peers and Deaf teachers, opening doors to the world that they’ve never before been allowed to enter. 

How Many Administrators are Currently Serving at the Deaf School and Church?

There is an administrative leadership team of two pastors. Pastor Jacob Saumais serves as head pastor of the Deaf Church and principal of the Deaf school. Pastor Donalt Charles serves as the supervisor/director of the Deaf school. He develops and oversees major building projects on the property. His wife Sandra serves in a vocational ministry role to the Deaf female students. Currently, Donalt and his family live in our new family apartment, serving as resident advisors to our Deaf students (established 2022).


The Future Vision for the Deaf School and Church in Les Cayes, Haiti

GOD has greatly blessed Love Deaf Haiti, Inc. with great support over the last five years. Regardless of the need, the American church and community has stepped up to meet that need for the Haitian Deaf children and community.


The current need is to finish the security wall surrounding the campus property. Without this, the school and church are exposed to theft and safety issues.


Because of the tumultuous condition of Haiti, and the lack of import and export of food and life-sustaining resources, our school faculty and children must grow their own food. It is imperative that farming and the planting of crops take place as soon as possible. A wall must be in place to protect our crops, animals, and above all, our precious children.


Please pray with us that in the year 2023, the agricultural program, as well as a vocational training program, will be developed. The young  adults graduating from our school need a place where they can develop a vocational skill and receive the respect and value they deserve.


Psalm 82:3-5

“Give justice to the poor and the orphan, uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless, deliver them from the grasp of evil people.” 

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